元大金控元大金控 元大金控元大金控 元大金控元大金控

元大金控致力提供便利的金融商品與服務,滿足不同客群的需求,持續維護客戶權益、協助客戶熟悉金融商品、提升客戶滿意度及服務效率,努力成為客戶心中創造財富的合作首選。我們長期深耕台灣,以涵蓋全省之綿密據點及超過10,000名專業金融服務人員,提供客戶全方位金融服務,以下為元大金控旗下主要子公司 : 元大金控致力提供便利的金融商品与服务,满足不同客群的需求,持续维护客户权益、协助客户熟悉金融商品、提升客户满意度及服务效率,努力成为客户心中创造财富的合作首选。我们长期深耕台湾,以涵盖全省之绵密据点及超过10,000名专业金融服务人员,提供客户全方位金融服务,以下为元大金控旗下主要子公司 : Yuanta FHC works to provide the very best financial products and services, satisfying the needs of different customer groups and striving to become their first choice as a partner in wealth creation. With our deep roots in Taiwan, expansive network of branch locations, and over ten thousand finance professionals, Yuanta provides its customers with a comprehensive range of financial services. Yuanta FHC subsidiary companies include:
Taiwan’s Leader in Financial Innovation
Yuanta has been a pioneer in the development of Taiwanese financial products, having led the way in introducing cross-border and linked ETFs, allowing Taiwanese investors to take advantage of high-growth opportunities in the Greater China region, and handled the first IPO for a foreign company’s listing on the Taiwanese stock market. Taiwan’s first warrant, first callable bull/bear contract, and first extendable callable bull/bear contract all originated with Yuanta. Beyond just being a simple financial products provider, Yuanta has emerged as a major force in product innovation, and has developed its own program trading software, with the ability to react to up-to-the-minute changes on the financial markets and customer demands with real-time adjustments to our operational strategy.
Comprehensive Service Provider

Yuanta possesses Taiwan’s largest branch network, comprising 146 securities locations and 147 banking locations as of December 2019. With its expansive business presence and more than ten thousand finance professionals, Yuanta provides comprehensive, industry-leading financial services and strives to not only be Taiwan’s largest in scale, but also the best in terms of quality, guaranteeing our clients top-grade professional quality in all of our financial services.

Creating Fortune, Realizing Dreams

With the increasing complexity of financial products on the market in recent years, and financial advice coming from all corners, making the best personalized investment decisions is no easy task. For the past fifty years, Yuanta has worked right alongside its customers, providing market analysis and helping them make the right decisions to build their wealth, and has proven itself time and again as its clients' top choice for a loyal and trusted investment partner.

One-Stop Finance

Superior quality service relies on the backing of a comprehensive product line, and Yuanta FHC, in addition to offering professional brokerage services, is also active in margin trading, options, futures, and derivative products. Furthermore, with our thoughtful, customer-first approach to banking services, whether it be in personal savings, mortgages, or corporate loans, Yuanta is uniquely able to satisfy the risk profiles of different types of customers, and meet their investment and wealth management needs.

Welcoming the Digital Finance Revolution
Yuanta’s Progress on a New Frontier

To meet the steady changes in consumer habits and trends in the financial industry overall, Yuanta has developed a digitalization roadmap to integrate its traditional channels with its continually evolving electronic channels, comprising clients, operational procedures, employees, and business content. Through this process, Yuanta aims to become a "one-stop" destination for all of its customers' financial needs, providing consistent, comprehensive, and efficient value-added services across the Group's constituent members and various business lines.

資料日期: 2024年12月31日 资料日期: 2024年12月31日 Date: 12/31/2024
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