實收資本額 实收资本额 Paid-in Capital129,429 佰萬元 佰万元 NTD mn
單家股東權益 单家股东权益 Equity (standalone)314,239 佰萬元 佰万元 NTD mn
單家稅後淨利 单家税后净利 Net Income (standalone)35,830 佰萬元 佰万元 NTD mn
每股盈餘 每股盈余 Earnings Per Share2.77 元 元 NTD
股東權益報酬率 股东权益报酬率 Return on Equity11.9 % % %
員工總人數 员工总人数 Total Employees15,273 人 人
Balanced Strength in Securities and Banking
A long-term leader in Taiwan. Yuanta has the most comprehensive layout and more than ten thousand professionals offering clients a full range of financial services. Yuanta maintains industry-leading market shares of 12% in securities brokerage and 20% in margin lending, along with a dominant investment banking business. On the banking side, following its merger with Ta Chong Bank, Yuanta Bank became Taiwan's 7th largest private bank, with total assets of around NTD 1.3 trillion, and transformed Yuanta from a primarily securities-centric business model into a holdings company with equal strength in both banking and securities.

Into the future, Yuanta FHC will build its operations and diversify its sources of profit. Yuanta Securities, in addition to consolidating its leadership in Taiwan, will actively expand its overseas layout to provide customers with a wide range of international products. Yuanta Bank will focus on balancing its business structure, expanding its profit sources, increasing the efficiency of its capital usage, and strengthening its risk management. The Bank will seek to maintain stable growth and strong asset quality as it works to increase the long-term stability of profits for Yuanta and maximize shareholders ROE.
Internationally, with its expansions into Greater China, northeast Asia, and the ASEAN member countries, Yuanta has built a comprehensive layout across the region. By reproducing its operational abilities and backend management systems, Yuanta will gain a foothold in these local markets, and move forward toward its objective of being the “Best Financial Services Provider in the Asia Pacific Region”.