Before using the website of Yuanta Financial Holdings (Yuanta), please review the following content stating a user's rights. The following terms and conditions cover the websites of Yuanta Financial Holdings and all of its subsidiaries. Before using any of the websites, please make sure that you agree to all of the following conditions. If you do not agree with the conditions, please refrain from using this site.

This entire content of this website, including images, software, text, photos, icons, buttons and any logos, company logos and emblems are property of Yuanta Financial Holdings and cannot be used without permission from Yuanta Financial Holdings. The website content can be viewed and printed, but only for informational and non-business purposes, and it is to be cited that the source is Yuanta Financial Holdings. Users are to not exchange, revise, sell, or transmit any contents of this website. News and other public information can be used as public information, but the source must be cited.
The information on this website includes financial statements, annual reports, news releases and other data that is provided before certain deadlines mandated by the regulatory authorities. Data is accurate at the time of posting, but may become inaccurate after the passage of time. The company is not obligated to make updates or adjustments to this data after the initial posting. The company also cannot be held legally responsible for any consequences that result from using data provided by this website.
Yuanta Financial Holdings will do its best to provide accurate and reliable information, however errors can still occur. All data is current when first posted, but in the future cannot be guaranteed to be accurate. The company does not explicitly state or insinuate a guarantee of any of the content on the website, including and not limited to any information that is used for buying/selling decisions or other specific purposes.
At any time it may be necessary for Yuanta Financial Holdings to revise, change, replace or suspend the website or a part of the website without prior notice to users. Regardless of the reason for this action, the company is not held responsible for any indirect, direct or accidental consequence derived from using the website for informational purposes.
Links on this website include third-party websites and websites that announce public information. Users are to be advised that these websites are beyond the control of this company, therefore Yuanta Financial Holdings does not hold any responsibility for these websites. Yuanta Financial Holdings reserves the right to terminate at any time any link it has to another website. If users want to access third-party websites, they bear personal responsibility for any risk involved.
If there is any dispute regarding the legal terms of using this website, it is to be resolved through negotiation. If it is unable to be resolved by these means, the two parties are to resolve the dispute through the Taipei District Court, following laws of the Republic of China.