In its responsibility to protect customers' privacy, Yuanta Financial Holding Company and its subsidiaries provide this Privacy Statement in accordance with the Financial Holding Company Act, Rules Relating to Cross-Selling Amongst Financial Holding Company Subsidiaries, and all relevant rules and regulations as stipulated by the competent authorities.

The Company and its subsidiaries possess your personal data from the time you become a customer of any of its subsidiaries, or if you provided your personal data while participating a sales promotional activity, or if the Company and its subsidiaries obtained such data from any other legal or public channel.
Your personal data will be strictly kept confidential by the respective relevant companies, or commissioned by the Company to be managed with high security and stability in an information preservation company’s data storage system. Any acquisition or usage of your personal data will be subject to the Company’s Information Authorization Rule.
To ensure that your personal data will not be directly or indirectly accessed by any third party, the Company has adopted a strict internal IP management model; a VPN system was adopted among the Company and its subsidiaries to separately manage your personal data; additionally, the Company also has adopted the most advanced firewall systems to prevent unauthorized intruders.
1) Basic information: name, date of birth, ID number, telephone number, e-mail and mailing address, etc.
2) Transactional and other relevant information:
- Account information: account or similar numbers, credit card, savings account, trading account, savings and loans information, and other transactional and financial status information, etc.
- Credit information: records of un-honored checks, record of check cancellations or refusals and status of business operations, etc.
- Investment information: target, amount and time period of investment or sales, etc.
- Insurance information: insurance policy categories, time period, coverage amount and payment methods, etc.
To provide more diversified and professional financial services to you, the Company will actively develop new kinds of financial products and services with the integration of your personal data to conduct marketing with the purpose of meeting your financial needs.
The subsidiaries of the Company, when engaged in the handling, storage, integration or cross-utilization of customer’s personal data to conduct marketing, will comply with the Financial Holding Company Act, Computer-Processed Personal Data Protection Law, Rules Relating to Cross-Selling Amongst Financial Holding Company Subsidiaries, and all relevant rules and regulations of the competent authority in disclosing your personal data to other subsidiaries of the Company. Other subsidiaries that receive and utilize such data must not disclose such data to any other third party.
The Company, within the parameters permitted by laws and relevant regulations of the competent authority, also may disclose your personal data to the Joint Credit Information Center, Taiwan Clearing House, National Credit Card Center, Financial Information Service Center, SME Credit Guarantee Fund, or other third party as approved by laws.
If necessary, the subsidiaries of the Company may disclose your personal data to a third party contracted with the subsidiaries for a specific purpose. Except for this situation aforementioned or your written consent obtained, the Company will not disclose your personal data to any third party.
In order to keep your personal data complete and accurate, if there is any change of your personal data, you may apply for the update or revisions via letter, telephone, fax, internet or other methods approved by the Company.
If you would not like us to disclose, refer to, or cross-utilize your personal data, you may directly notify the subsidiary company you are interacting with. Upon notification and confirmation of your identity, we will proceed immediately and cease to use your personal information within a reasonable period of time for our systems and operations.
In order to protect customer privacy, the Company will periodically make modifications to this Privacy Statement to be in line with the social environment and regulatory changes. The updated Privacy Statement will be published on the Company’s website and will also be disclosed or published to the customers according to the methods designated by the competent authorities.
In order to maintain the integrity and correctness of your personal data, you may apply to change your personal data through written, telephone, fax or internet and other channels that we agree with if your personal data is changed.
- Yuanta Financial Holding Co., Ltd.
- Yuanta Securities Co., Ltd.
- Yuanta Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.
- Yuanta Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
- Yuanta Futures Co., Ltd.
- Yuanta Securities Investment Trust Co., Ltd.
- Yuanta International Insurance Brokers Co., Ltd.